Wednesday, March 28, 2012

All of you!!!!

Everyone, you are so nice! Everyone who has posted comments on my blog is so super nice and I appreciate it!  

                                                  Can you spot the smiley?

SO! Today school was horribly boring as usual. 

I have been having such a hard time getting the background for my blog right!!! OMG help!! Yours are all so awesome!!

I am rereading the hunger games (surprise surprise!) so I brought it to school so I could read it and all of a sudden everyone crowded around me and asked if they could borrow it, and some almost wouldn't leave! They just kept standing there going please please please please please! I hate that, I mean if your that desperate to read it then go to a book store and buy it for gods sake!

HEHE otherwise it was a pretty awesome day.

 Also, I've been thinking, and I think I need to not get to attached to the thought that cam MAY like me. If  I don't stop acting like we have an actual relationship soon, I will be bowing down to him like he is a king, and I can't do that to myself. It is unhealthy, plus he may be a jerk that can act, and I could allow him to walk on me like I am a rug! 

Here are some thing I should do to where that doesn't happen:

When he texts me, I shouldn't look at it, or reply to it immediately

Okay, well its actually hard thinking about what I could do cuz' there isn't much that he does that I can fully avoid. Maybe what I am just saying is that I can't get to vulnerable. Ya, just don't get to vulnerable, that sounds smart...

I am such a dork LOL! 


  1. you should still reply to him, but dont ignore him. dont let him think that suddenly you are uninterested. be yourself around him, and dont let yourself think that he is a jerk. you right though, that you cant let him treat you like a rug. if you think that you are acting too clingy too him before you are in a relation ship, turn your phone off for an afternoon. dont let your self become too distant now, because that could cost you your friendship!
    ps. i love the smiley picture!
