Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It was a day...

Wow, what a day! School was boring though. We had this earth brochure due today, and I didn't realize it was homework, so let's just say my grade wont be spot on, but it will be decent...

Nothing exciting happened at soccer, I kicked it once and I guess it was a pretty good kick.

I just made up a happy dance. You put your arms down by your sides, and have your hands flat, as if their was a chain trapping you all the way down to your hands and you are trying to loosen it with them. Then just hop, or pump your legs as if you are bouncing a soccer ball on them. Maybe I will to a video later on how to do it...

After school we went to the house place and filled out some forms for the house. 

Everything is the same with Cam. He is still reading the Hunger Games. *spoiler alert* he is at the part where they just entered the arena and he is freaking out like I did. I didn't have a spare pencil so he gave me one. He is nice.

I never realized how important having a house that you like is. I cried when we were finally found a house.

 : D :D :-D (*smile*) 

Gosh, I cannot wait till school is ova... 

One of my dogs is old. She may die soon. I better put a euphemism for that. She may go soon.

I don't know why I am writing this big and bold. Ill stop...

Okay, I stopped. I need inspiration.......

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