Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I have been SO busy!! Plus I am having THE WORST mood swings in history. Here is what happened Thursday:
Went to school. Horribly boring as usual. Today the teacher told us who got to be student of the month. Can I just let all of you know, that I am probably the most calmest people in my class! I didn't get called even though I worked very hard for it!! I am never gonna get it cuz' I'm a loser or whatever so I should stop hoping it will even happen to me.
At the end of the day I had math homework. Mrs. Sciency wouldn't let me do it though, because she said I had to finish this dumb practice writing test. The bell range for us to go home, and I wasn't done. SO she comes up to me and says, " well, When you left early the day we did this, I gave your classmates 45 more minutes to do this, so I should only be giving you ten more minutes." and then she said allot of other things, that basically sounded like she was accusing me of being slow, and that I don't even deserve the ten minutes, or something like that. Stupid science teacher.
After school I got in the car and got all teary eyed because I felt super stressed.
We are looking to move into a different house, so we looked at three houses after school.
The first one was good. It had an Arizona room (an enclosed patio that is AWESOME!) and a great swimming pool, though it wasn't my favorite.
Then we looked at a house that was smaller than a hobos house. Talk about suckish.
Then we looked at a two story house that I fell in love with. The walls were different shades of chocolate brown, the second floor had a room with a window seat (which would be my room) and a TON of other rooms, a laundry shoot, a balcony, and when your on the second floor there is like a type of inside balcony. It was awesome. There was only one bad thing about it. There is this girl names Kimberly, who goes to my school. She is a total jerk. She has a British accent, dirty blondish curly hair, and a total horse face. Seriously, plastic surgery wouldn't do a thing to save the life of that girl and her face.One, time, I had a paper that was scrolled up, and I acted like it was a life saber. You know what she said?
*her in total cheesy British accent*" Have you seen star wars??
Me: No.
Her: Well, they do cool tricks, nothing like that!"
The way she said it was so mean. She sounded like she was talking to an idiotic monkey. She lives in a house right in the back of the house!!! One of my friends, Laura, is, like, bff's, with Kimberly. Totally s-u-c-k-s. Well, anyway, I was standing on the balcony of the house, and all of a sudden I hear Laura's voice. It says BOJO??
I look down, and see her in the back patio of the house in back of this house. Then Kimberly comes out, barley speaking, acting like I didn't matter. Looking like she was thinking in her head," Oh great, that totally unpopular girl who seems to be better then me!"
Apparently, that house in back of this two story house is hers. GREAT * SARCASM*!!
After that we left the house and ate dinner. Then I had to go to this meeting about this Honors Program. Totes boring!
It was a great day! (more sarcasm)
SO that is Thursday for you. Here is Friday:
Went to school. Boring-er as usual. I was having extreme mood swings.
My teacher made me finish that S-T-U-P-I-D writing practice test. I felt like crying like a baby after.
mood swings of course, is why I felt that way.
Then we go to the patriotic assembly, ad everyone is dancing, except for me. I crawl into a corner and feel as depressed as ever. I feel like crying. Somehow, I am invisible the whole time. My eyes get watery. Stupid mood swings. But it is not like anyone cared. See, that last sentence is because of mood swings. They just made me really mad! So the whole morning I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I was overly depressed for no reason.
My dad picked me up and told me we put a bid on the first house we looked at. YAY! Now we just have to see if they accept it.
That's Friday for you. Here is today:
Then I go to my hair appointment. Marissa (my hair stylist) cuts my hair, and teaches me how to style it. I got this new product that is supposed to promote curling. Here is how I use it:
Brush out hair.
Get it soaked with a spray bottle.
Push a small amount of product into hands, and rub hands so it is all over them.
Get product all over hair, roots and everything.
Scrunch hair.
Leave alone.
So I did that at the hair salon, and I LOVE it. It's so curly!!
Now I am at home. Apparently, the people who own the house we put a bid into didn't accept the bid. They want us to pay 230,000 for it. We said we would pay 220,000 for it, and are waiting to hear back. I am so worried. *sob for no reason at all*
Oh, I forgot something. Marisa was going through my hair, brushing it and cutting it, and she found a gray hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in Elementary school, and I already have a gray hair!!!!!!!!! This is like the case of Benjamin Button!!! But, I am pretty sure it is just hormones. Gotta love em'. *lots of sarcasm*
My nails were so long and overgrown, so I cleaned them up. Here is what I did and what you can do to your nails to make them look super awesome, and feel that way too:
Clip nails with nail clippers (what else would you use?)
Take tooth pick and clean out all of the crud under them.
Take a nail file and file away at each nail until they are smooth at then ends.
Wash hands, make sure to go over nails with water.
* optional* Apply clear nail polish to nails. This will make them strong and shiny!
So know my nails are cute!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Really quick...
Hey everyone woke up tired trying to make fast post!
I am having a hard time with my background, I mean its always to big or to small, I need my mom so I can fix it! So sorry if it looks kinda cruddy right now but it will be fixed.
See ya after school gotta go!
I am having a hard time with my background, I mean its always to big or to small, I need my mom so I can fix it! So sorry if it looks kinda cruddy right now but it will be fixed.
See ya after school gotta go!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
All of you!!!!
Everyone, you are so nice! Everyone who has posted comments on my blog is so super nice and I appreciate it!
Can you spot the smiley?
SO! Today school was horribly boring as usual.
I have been having such a hard time getting the background for my blog right!!! OMG help!! Yours are all so awesome!!
I am rereading the hunger games (surprise surprise!) so I brought it to school so I could read it and all of a sudden everyone crowded around me and asked if they could borrow it, and some almost wouldn't leave! They just kept standing there going please please please please please! I hate that, I mean if your that desperate to read it then go to a book store and buy it for gods sake!
HEHE otherwise it was a pretty awesome day.
Also, I've been thinking, and I think I need to not get to attached to the thought that cam MAY like me. If I don't stop acting like we have an actual relationship soon, I will be bowing down to him like he is a king, and I can't do that to myself. It is unhealthy, plus he may be a jerk that can act, and I could allow him to walk on me like I am a rug!
Here are some thing I should do to where that doesn't happen:
When he texts me, I shouldn't look at it, or reply to it immediately
Okay, well its actually hard thinking about what I could do cuz' there isn't much that he does that I can fully avoid. Maybe what I am just saying is that I can't get to vulnerable. Ya, just don't get to vulnerable, that sounds smart...
I am such a dork LOL!
Hey everyone, just wanted to let all of you know that I found some awesome blogs. I want you all to look at them, they are at the very,very,very,very bottom of my blog.
Onto further business: I am t-i-r-e-d!
I woke up and my eyes were all crummy. I felt like a bear that just woke up from hibernation!!!
LOL see u after school.
Onto further business: I am t-i-r-e-d!
I woke up and my eyes were all crummy. I felt like a bear that just woke up from hibernation!!!
LOL see u after school.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Time for a game of... LIVING ROOM SOCCER!!!!
This is an exciting game of living rm soccer, cuz' today there will be an epic battle between bojo and the couch!!! On bojo's team:
couch 1
granny doll in rocking chair.
rocky- bojos dog
and slipper 1
On couch 2 team:
sassy- bojos other dog
rocking chair that is brown
And bojo kicks the ball, couch 2 beats her at it with a hard zig zag kick, but bojo fights back!!! GOAL FOR BOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 51 minutes later...
I love living room soccer. I always win. It is one thing I am GOOD AT! lol
couch 1
granny doll in rocking chair.
rocky- bojos dog
and slipper 1
On couch 2 team:
sassy- bojos other dog
rocking chair that is brown
And bojo kicks the ball, couch 2 beats her at it with a hard zig zag kick, but bojo fights back!!! GOAL FOR BOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 51 minutes later...
I love living room soccer. I always win. It is one thing I am GOOD AT! lol
Good night everybody! Elvis has left the building! Drive home safely!
p.s. does anyone think I should change the name of my blog? You know what to do if you don't then comment. bye for the last time. Sleep well. :) :D
*giggle* Cam...
Cam is such a sweet boy. He been bringing the Hunger Games to school everyday, and always tells me where he is in the book.
I asked him today if he wanted to go to the movies with me so he could see it. He said sure, but only if he finished by that time. He said he thought he could, and is definitely going to try to.
He is finally texting me back, and is even just texting me for no reason at all. : D
And at lunch, I couldn't sit across from him, so he made a point of when he saw me, slapping a spot right next to him. I got to sit with him. YAY!! He is so nice. Not one of those players, if you know what I mean.
Oh, and guess what? He just texted me.
I would tell you what he said, but just in case if he somehow wonders on this blog, I don't think I should.
By the way, Thank you for the comments on one of my earlier posts about if he like me or not. They really helped me wake up about it.
I cannot stop smiling.
Okay, maybe I should take my mind off of this so I don't look crazy.
Anyhoo, my mom and I just went to Walgreen to get some yummy chocolate and sweets. Oh, us and our girly ways. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
OHHH! He just texted me again! Awwww crudsmakers!! I cannot forget about this!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Egg Plant...
I still feel cruddy and sad.
Me and my mom went into the staff lunchroom ( like a workroom) cant remember what its called, but some staff member left free vegetable on the table so we took some veggies and one of them was an eggplant.
It feels good. It's smooth, and nicely soft. wow...
Me and my mom went into the staff lunchroom ( like a workroom) cant remember what its called, but some staff member left free vegetable on the table so we took some veggies and one of them was an eggplant.
It feels good. It's smooth, and nicely soft. wow...
Sounds like I am crying for no reason at all, and I truly feel miserable almost.
I want to see the Hunger Games again at the movie theater. I have to.
Cam is reading the Hunger Games right now. I just texted him and asked him if he wanted to go see the Hunger Games with me this weekend.
I cannot stop sobbing. I want to feel closer to Cam kinda. Now I know that I do like like him. He is the only boy I know that isn't a stupid, idiotic, turd.
My mom is so sweet. At least she knows how I feel.
I am trying to think of the people who I think actually care about me.
Maybe Savannah, my bff.
Maybe my dogs.
Maybe my guinea pig.
The people I actually care about:
Savannah, I guess.
My dogs.
My guinea pig.
I want to see the Hunger Games again at the movie theater. I have to.
Cam is reading the Hunger Games right now. I just texted him and asked him if he wanted to go see the Hunger Games with me this weekend.
I cannot stop sobbing. I want to feel closer to Cam kinda. Now I know that I do like like him. He is the only boy I know that isn't a stupid, idiotic, turd.
My mom is so sweet. At least she knows how I feel.
I am trying to think of the people who I think actually care about me.
Maybe Savannah, my bff.
Maybe my dogs.
Maybe my guinea pig.
The people I actually care about:
Savannah, I guess.
My dogs.
My guinea pig.
All of a sudden, I feel weepy.
IDK why, but now i feel super weepy. HELP!!!
Here may be some reasons why:
I can't make my mind up about my blog. I don't know what I like, if I like it, or anything. then I look at other blogs and feel all jealous and unhappy that my blog will probably never be as good as there's.
I wish things would happen in my life, as in:
Here may be some reasons why:
I can't make my mind up about my blog. I don't know what I like, if I like it, or anything. then I look at other blogs and feel all jealous and unhappy that my blog will probably never be as good as there's.
I wish things would happen in my life, as in:
- I wish I was famous.
- I wish I was pretty
- I wish more people liked me
- I wish I was rich
- I wish that something overly exciting would happen, and that it would be becasue of me and involve me greatly
- I wish that my crush at school would notice me for once (talk about invisible powers.)
- I wish I was more popular
- I wish that school was over
- I WISH I WAS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I know, that I am so, utterly, pathetic, lost, and invisible, and I cannot do anything to change it.
Want proof that I am invisible?
I was at a birthday party. We went to Castles and Coasters. Decided to play mini golf, and I went last every time. So everyone in front of me would finish, and I would be trying to hit the ball and they would already be leaving. The first person would hit his ball and wait for all the others, except for me. I had to practically yell for them to realize they had left me behind. They didn't care, and I don't even know why they invited me.
I bet it's because I am ugly. Like it matters.
I am in a deep,dark pit of despair, and I need help getting out. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!
: ' ( :, (
Picked up early!!!!!
So today, for me, what half of a day of a half day!!!!! I was supposed to get out at 12:30, but my dad had to go to work, so he picked me up at 10 or 11 oclock, therefore its half a day of a half day! I am so happy.
Right now I am at my moms job...
Oh, and me and my bfffinished one of the songs we were writing. It's basically a parody to rollin in the deep by adele.
Here is the final product (i think) of heartburn:
Heartburn <3 by: Savanah Smice &
There's a fire startin' in my heart, that's 'cause you really, really make me wanna fart,
Your just a can 'a' beans, now that I gotta tell, you don't go down real easy, oh no, you don't go down well.
Based on your smell proves you'll never learn, of which will just keep givin' me and everybody else heartburn
Based on your smell proves you'll never learn, of which will just keep givin'...
Finally, your are out of my system, Nobody will never, ever eat you beans agaaaaiiiiinnnnnn, I haet to say that but there is a reason why, and that would be because you gave...
Awesome, isn't it!?
Right now I am at my moms job...
Oh, and me and my bfffinished one of the songs we were writing. It's basically a parody to rollin in the deep by adele.
Here is the final product (i think) of heartburn:
Heartburn <3 by: Savanah Smice &
There's a fire startin' in my heart, that's 'cause you really, really make me wanna fart,
Your just a can 'a' beans, now that I gotta tell, you don't go down real easy, oh no, you don't go down well.
Based on your smell proves you'll never learn, of which will just keep givin' me and everybody else heartburn
Based on your smell proves you'll never learn, of which will just keep givin'...
Finally, your are out of my system, Nobody will never, ever eat you beans agaaaaiiiiinnnnnn, I haet to say that but there is a reason why, and that would be because you gave...
Awesome, isn't it!?
Half Day!!!
Hi everyone!!! Guess what! Today, at my school, is a half day!!! I get out at 12:30 and my dad can pick me up! WOOHOO!!!
So, I need to know what you all think of the new look of my blog. I am not sure about it so if you like the look say yes in a comment. If you don't then say no in a comment.
I will be here after school, very early, CUZ' IT'S A HALF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just kinda like this video!!
So, I need to know what you all think of the new look of my blog. I am not sure about it so if you like the look say yes in a comment. If you don't then say no in a comment.
I will be here after school, very early, CUZ' IT'S A HALF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Todays feeling: 10/10
I saw the Hunger Games today!!!!!! It was ssoooooooooooooo awesome!!! better then twilight, and the movie was practically better then the book!!! Talk about adrenaline when watching!!! I had to go to the bathroom so bad during the movie, but I didn't want to miss a second of the movie! Say I in a comment if you agree that the movie was almost better then the book.
Here is one of my favorite scenes:
I saw the Hunger Games today!!!!!! It was ssoooooooooooooo awesome!!! better then twilight, and the movie was practically better then the book!!! Talk about adrenaline when watching!!! I had to go to the bathroom so bad during the movie, but I didn't want to miss a second of the movie! Say I in a comment if you agree that the movie was almost better then the book.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Yesterday... CARAZYYY!!!
Sorry that I barley made a post yesterday, but everything was so crazy! Yesterdays feeling was 8/10.
The worst of yesterday:
Well, I got a dumb negative on my r-card. We were doing these presentations for these islands we made up, and during one groups presentation I silently told my group what order we would be speaking. I didn't even mouth anything, I just pointed at one team mate, then the other, then the other, then the other, and that as it. I barley took my attention off the group giving there presentation for 30 seconds. And we aren't even getting a grade for listening to their presentation, so why does it mater? Miss studenteacher gave me the negative. She's a turd.
Plus, we had periods (rotations) which I wasn't in the mood for.
I was fried.
I have a crazy wakadoodle class, who can't shut up!! Seriously, I crazy, but when I am compared to them, I look like a shy and quiet person! LOL
The awesome part of the yesterday:
Mac wasn't there, so Cam wasn't upset. Thought Cam said he was kinda looking forward to seeing Mac Mess up at soccer or something.
The Hunger Games came out, so I was happy.
Now I am confused. I am not sure if this is good or bad or whatever. Well, Cam like to rough house with me, as in he will elbow me and shove me, which is actually allot of fun, because it is just funny. Or he bonk into me. Today he was doing that and when he was rough housing with me my friend, rylie, was behind us. I turned around to scare her because its funny when that happens (you can scare her easily), and I caught her making a heart with her hands and mocking me with it. She thought, or thinks, that I like Cam, Cam likes me, or both. I don't like Cam. Well, I am not really sure. He isn't super handsome, in my opinion, but he is so nice and close to being my best friend. It's confusing. Oh, Boy's.
Plus, when I was walking to lunch he was way in-front of me and then he plain just stopped walking. When I was right next to him he started walking again and said something like I stopped walking so I could be with you, or next to you, something like that. Right there my heart stopped cuz' I was thinking," what the heck did he just say? Did he say he wanted to be with me?" But then he said," SO I COULD BONK YOU!!!!!!!" like he was trying to surprise me or something. Then he bonked into me.
I can't tell if Cam likes me. I think he does, but i'm not sure how (friend or boyfriend wise). I don't like him. I think. Here is how he acts around me:
The worst of yesterday:
Well, I got a dumb negative on my r-card. We were doing these presentations for these islands we made up, and during one groups presentation I silently told my group what order we would be speaking. I didn't even mouth anything, I just pointed at one team mate, then the other, then the other, then the other, and that as it. I barley took my attention off the group giving there presentation for 30 seconds. And we aren't even getting a grade for listening to their presentation, so why does it mater? Miss studenteacher gave me the negative. She's a turd.
Plus, we had periods (rotations) which I wasn't in the mood for.
I was fried.
I have a crazy wakadoodle class, who can't shut up!! Seriously, I crazy, but when I am compared to them, I look like a shy and quiet person! LOL
The awesome part of the yesterday:
Mac wasn't there, so Cam wasn't upset. Thought Cam said he was kinda looking forward to seeing Mac Mess up at soccer or something.
The Hunger Games came out, so I was happy.
Now I am confused. I am not sure if this is good or bad or whatever. Well, Cam like to rough house with me, as in he will elbow me and shove me, which is actually allot of fun, because it is just funny. Or he bonk into me. Today he was doing that and when he was rough housing with me my friend, rylie, was behind us. I turned around to scare her because its funny when that happens (you can scare her easily), and I caught her making a heart with her hands and mocking me with it. She thought, or thinks, that I like Cam, Cam likes me, or both. I don't like Cam. Well, I am not really sure. He isn't super handsome, in my opinion, but he is so nice and close to being my best friend. It's confusing. Oh, Boy's.
Plus, when I was walking to lunch he was way in-front of me and then he plain just stopped walking. When I was right next to him he started walking again and said something like I stopped walking so I could be with you, or next to you, something like that. Right there my heart stopped cuz' I was thinking," what the heck did he just say? Did he say he wanted to be with me?" But then he said," SO I COULD BONK YOU!!!!!!!" like he was trying to surprise me or something. Then he bonked into me.
I can't tell if Cam likes me. I think he does, but i'm not sure how (friend or boyfriend wise). I don't like him. I think. Here is how he acts around me:
- He is nicer to me then regular boys, I guess you could say.
- It seems he tries to talk to me as much as he can without annoying me.
- He acts interested in the things i am interested in (i.e. the hunger games)
- He lives in my neighborhood, and says he will skype me, or he tries to get us to meet up.
- He tries to support me.
- He gave me his cellphone number. He wants to know what my cellphone looks like too.
There is probably allot more, but I don't have much time. Please tell me what this means in a comment.
Will post more later.
Friday, March 23, 2012
That was my Friday song. I am so glad its Friday! Plus, the Hunger Games came out last night at midnight. My mom said we could see it this weekend! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!
This is the best day ever! I am all decked out in the Hunger Games stuff for school. I am wearing Mockinjay earrings and my mockingjay pin!!! I wish I had a shirt.
Here is a song by Taylor Sift. It will be playing at some point in the movie.
That was my Friday song. I am so glad its Friday! Plus, the Hunger Games came out last night at midnight. My mom said we could see it this weekend! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!
This is the best day ever! I am all decked out in the Hunger Games stuff for school. I am wearing Mockinjay earrings and my mockingjay pin!!! I wish I had a shirt.
Here is a song by Taylor Sift. It will be playing at some point in the movie.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
I am annoyed by bullies. I am annoyed by jerks. I am annoyed by populars (pops). AND I AM ESPECIALLY ANNOYED BY STUPID BOYS. Some boys are very nice (hopefully majority) but sometimes they get on my nerves! Plus, they are very confusing sometimes.
Especially boys like Mac! Cam is nice. He never yells at me, or ignores me. And he isn't dumb. He is super nice.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I confusa (confused)! I don't get why Mac is mean. And just because im not popular makes it to where he ignores me! At least he is not in my class. But he could still talk to me...
(- __ -) :(
Especially boys like Mac! Cam is nice. He never yells at me, or ignores me. And he isn't dumb. He is super nice.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I confusa (confused)! I don't get why Mac is mean. And just because im not popular makes it to where he ignores me! At least he is not in my class. But he could still talk to me...
(- __ -) :(
Everything is ... okay
Today's feeling: 6/10
Today we didn't have any rotations. AWESOME! But, the reason for it was that we had AZAC testing. Crud.
And then My dad had to go to work this afternoon. GRRRRRR! But he would be home on the weekend, and we could go see a movie! YAY!
The Hunger Games is coming out tonight at midnight. YAY!! I still have to wait. Darn. lol
I keep on eating beans after school everyday. They are yummy (yum!) but they are kinda a weird snack. :(
So, as you see in the last few sentences, my day is half good, half bad. Weird huh?
My six out of ten for today's rating was because I played soccer. There is this boy who I play with, he's a good friend (not a boyfriend) and he hates one of the guys who were playing. And it just so happens that I have, well, a slight crush on that boy who my friend hated. My friend, the boy, his name is Cam. And the boy he hated, his name is Mac. So cam was on my team, and mac was on the other. The reason Cam hates Mac is because Mac gave Cams friend, Deter, a concussion intentionally. Well, I think that's what he thinks. The reason Cam thinks Mac intentionally gave Deter a concussion is because Mac knocked Deter over, and Mac always does that but I think he can be less aggressive. I'm with Cam on this one.
So Mac fell over during soccer, and Cam started laughing at him like a hyena!! It was so funny! But you could tell Cam was only laughing because he wanted to embarrass Mac. Mac, I think, kinda gave Cam a dirty look. It was so funny, and Cam told me he was just being mean to Mac. We both laughed. Now i'm kind of over Mac, and now I agree with Cam. Mac is a jerk. So now I am down to one crush, and he is the celebrity I told you I have a crush on. Oh great. LOL!
Cam's a great friend.
Then, someone kicked the ball and it was about half a foot away from me, and I kicked it! I mean, with the tip of my shoe, but it went over cam's head, so I think it was good. : )
I sat with Cam at lunch, and we had a good time. We were sitting with these others girls in my class, and we all had a good time. It was fun!
Today we didn't have any rotations. AWESOME! But, the reason for it was that we had AZAC testing. Crud.
And then My dad had to go to work this afternoon. GRRRRRR! But he would be home on the weekend, and we could go see a movie! YAY!
The Hunger Games is coming out tonight at midnight. YAY!! I still have to wait. Darn. lol
I keep on eating beans after school everyday. They are yummy (yum!) but they are kinda a weird snack. :(
So, as you see in the last few sentences, my day is half good, half bad. Weird huh?
My six out of ten for today's rating was because I played soccer. There is this boy who I play with, he's a good friend (not a boyfriend) and he hates one of the guys who were playing. And it just so happens that I have, well, a slight crush on that boy who my friend hated. My friend, the boy, his name is Cam. And the boy he hated, his name is Mac. So cam was on my team, and mac was on the other. The reason Cam hates Mac is because Mac gave Cams friend, Deter, a concussion intentionally. Well, I think that's what he thinks. The reason Cam thinks Mac intentionally gave Deter a concussion is because Mac knocked Deter over, and Mac always does that but I think he can be less aggressive. I'm with Cam on this one.
So Mac fell over during soccer, and Cam started laughing at him like a hyena!! It was so funny! But you could tell Cam was only laughing because he wanted to embarrass Mac. Mac, I think, kinda gave Cam a dirty look. It was so funny, and Cam told me he was just being mean to Mac. We both laughed. Now i'm kind of over Mac, and now I agree with Cam. Mac is a jerk. So now I am down to one crush, and he is the celebrity I told you I have a crush on. Oh great. LOL!
Cam's a great friend.
Then, someone kicked the ball and it was about half a foot away from me, and I kicked it! I mean, with the tip of my shoe, but it went over cam's head, so I think it was good. : )
I sat with Cam at lunch, and we had a good time. We were sitting with these others girls in my class, and we all had a good time. It was fun!
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(
SAD PART: I miss my dad so much! I barely got to see him for three hours this whole week! I miss my daddy! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :(
So. I. Hate. My. Dads. Job. Got it? Get it? Good.
SAD PART: I miss my dad so much! I barely got to see him for three hours this whole week! I miss my daddy! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :(
So. I. Hate. My. Dads. Job. Got it? Get it? Good.

Plus, I am more tired then usual. So far, today stinks like your brothers sweaty gym uniform or whatever.
Who knew that there was a song for every emotion? Will blog after school.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I hate showers! :(
I don't care what other people think. I hate showers. They waste all of my time. Wishing I could just dip my hair into something, and have it be perfect. Then, just step into a panel in my wall and be automatically clean.
Stupid showers. I have to take one tonight.-_________-
Stupid showers. I have to take one tonight.-_________-
Where's My Water? XD
Today was kinda funny and annoying.
I forgot my water!! I went to school and got SUPER thirsty. Looked at backpack. Made sure it wasn't on the floor... IT WASN'T THERE! I freaked out cuz' then I was super thirsty, but I realized we had P.E. today. And there was a water fountain by the P.E. room. That water fountain held my life in it's hands. Well, not really, but you get the point. So, I had gotten two gigantic gulps out of that water fountain. It wasn't enough. Darn!
The whole day I had NO water, which kinda made me go crazy. Who would've thunk it could be so controlling? I seriously started thinking about taking of the thing that holds a bunch of water of the water cooler in my teachers classroom, and indulging in it's watery awesomeness. But I knew it would only lead to something much worse then a dry mouth.
I'm at home right now with my water sitting right next to me, and I'm gulping it down. LOL!!
Funny Story of the day: One of my classmates was doing a shuttle run in P.E. today, and while running his tooth fell out!! It was soooooooo creepy! LOL! :)
BTW, I set up the poll for all of ya to vote on who you think my celebrity crush is, so get voten!
I adore this song! The only thing I don't get is why in the video is some person throwing plates against the wall. Please tell me in comment. It's waste perfectly good plates. :3
I forgot my water!! I went to school and got SUPER thirsty. Looked at backpack. Made sure it wasn't on the floor... IT WASN'T THERE! I freaked out cuz' then I was super thirsty, but I realized we had P.E. today. And there was a water fountain by the P.E. room. That water fountain held my life in it's hands. Well, not really, but you get the point. So, I had gotten two gigantic gulps out of that water fountain. It wasn't enough. Darn!
The whole day I had NO water, which kinda made me go crazy. Who would've thunk it could be so controlling? I seriously started thinking about taking of the thing that holds a bunch of water of the water cooler in my teachers classroom, and indulging in it's watery awesomeness. But I knew it would only lead to something much worse then a dry mouth.
I'm at home right now with my water sitting right next to me, and I'm gulping it down. LOL!!
Funny Story of the day: One of my classmates was doing a shuttle run in P.E. today, and while running his tooth fell out!! It was soooooooo creepy! LOL! :)
BTW, I set up the poll for all of ya to vote on who you think my celebrity crush is, so get voten!
There. That's better. We should have a National Adele Day. Will blog after school.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I Miss Daddy!!! :(
I miss my dad! He just got home last night, and he going back to work this afternoon at 1:00!!! He is going to drive me to school, but he won't me able to pick me up. Now I have to go to extended day!! Extended Day is never fun. We have this mean person looking after us, and we get one snack and drink. But usually the snacks taste bad... Who knows what they put in that stuff?
Bleh!!! So now I am stuck with extended day, and none of my friends are there! I'll be so lonely!!
Anyways, I hope to blog after school today so, stick around! Then again you would be sticking around for a long time... Stick around at 4:45 p.m.! There, that's better.
Here's a song I really like, plus it kinda fits with the weather around here lately.
5:14 p.m. After School
Well, today was an exceptionally average day. Here are the highlights of my day:

Bleh!!! So now I am stuck with extended day, and none of my friends are there! I'll be so lonely!!
Anyways, I hope to blog after school today so, stick around! Then again you would be sticking around for a long time... Stick around at 4:45 p.m.! There, that's better.
5:14 p.m. After School
Well, today was an exceptionally average day. Here are the highlights of my day:
- We got new seats. My seat is... well... how do I explain this... I'M SITTING WITH CRAZY PEOPLE!! Except for this one boy but he's on the verge of it. DARN! >.<
- We were on a "soft" lock down, but no one knows why. One of the teachers came in and said we weren't having rotations until the lock down was over. Sadly, that was only for two minutes... DARN AGAIN!!! >.< >.< Cerial Killer, Perhaps?
- Then at one point in the day I got this weird feeling like I was supposed to be laughing like a wako, but I couldn't laugh like that. I could only giggle. Which was strange because nothing funny was going on.
So now I have a funny story about last night... then again it's not very long so... OH, WHATEVER, JUST READ THE UMMMM, SHORT STORY!
I have this purple ball, and whenever I put it in front of my dog she freaks out! I chased her with it last night! Who would've thought a purple bouncy ball and a chicken dog could be so much fun!!!
Now you all know that I have a crush on a celebrity, so I made a poll for you all to guess on! There are hints in one of my earlier post about who he is, so get guessing!
Now you all know that I have a crush on a celebrity, so I made a poll for you all to guess on! There are hints in one of my earlier post about who he is, so get guessing!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Everyone needs to wish me luck! It's 6:43 a.m. and I am about to leave for school!! I have the biggest case of the hee-bee-jibbies!!!!
Plus, you know, I don't really want to go to school today!
Hey, it's not the end of the world so I am okay... OMG there are pit stains on
my shirt I'm so nervous!!
my shirt I'm so nervous!!
wish me luck!!
Bye for know-will hopefully blog tonight!
4:45 p.m. After School
wow! This day was allot better than I thought it would be! No teachers attempted murder, Mrs.Grumpay didn't get so angry that she broke my arm, (she has a person trying to learn to be a teacher too, let's just call her Miss studentteacher) and miss studenteacher didn't bore me to death! Here is what the day was like:
Morning recces: went crazy over how creepy braking dawn part one is. One of my friends almost got mad at me about it (: lol!
Period one: Mrs.Sciencey (science teacher) taught us a little bit about a space astronaut.
Specials: Mrs.Piano (music teacher) let us finally have a free day!!! On free days we get to dance and sing! It is so much fun! Normal music class is sooooooooo utterly boring! You can hear crickets, plus Mrs.Piano is kinda annoying!
Period 2: My writing teacher is so freaky! I swear everything is so hectic whenever she is around! Anyways is was kinda boring :(
Period 3: Well, I was absent on the day I was supposed to do a make-up test cuz' I was absent
the day before, so I got leave class early so I got to miss part of reading class! WOOO HOOO! Reading class is the class with Mrs.Grumpay and Miss Studentteacher! I got luckay!!
Period 4: Social Studies was easy. All I had to do was find answers in a book and write them down. YAY!
Period 5: Math goes by soooooooooooooooooooooo fast! Time in that class is just like a cheetah.
4:45 p.m. After School
wow! This day was allot better than I thought it would be! No teachers attempted murder, Mrs.Grumpay didn't get so angry that she broke my arm, (she has a person trying to learn to be a teacher too, let's just call her Miss studentteacher) and miss studenteacher didn't bore me to death! Here is what the day was like:
Morning recces: went crazy over how creepy braking dawn part one is. One of my friends almost got mad at me about it (: lol!
Period one: Mrs.Sciencey (science teacher) taught us a little bit about a space astronaut.
Specials: Mrs.Piano (music teacher) let us finally have a free day!!! On free days we get to dance and sing! It is so much fun! Normal music class is sooooooooo utterly boring! You can hear crickets, plus Mrs.Piano is kinda annoying!
Period 2: My writing teacher is so freaky! I swear everything is so hectic whenever she is around! Anyways is was kinda boring :(
Period 3: Well, I was absent on the day I was supposed to do a make-up test cuz' I was absent
the day before, so I got leave class early so I got to miss part of reading class! WOOO HOOO! Reading class is the class with Mrs.Grumpay and Miss Studentteacher! I got luckay!!
Period 4: Social Studies was easy. All I had to do was find answers in a book and write them down. YAY!
Period 5: Math goes by soooooooooooooooooooooo fast! Time in that class is just like a cheetah.
That tops of my day...
GUESS WHAT!!! I have my first follower! I am sooooooooo happy! Sadly, I don't think I will tell you who she is because I am not sure if it is okay with her... Anyone feel free to comment!
It's Get To Know Bojo Time!
My favorite color is purple, I like chicken, I hate cheesy love movies, I love cheese, Frank Sinatra is one of my favorite ccelebrity's, and bugs scare the heck outta me!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Okay, well, more like seven words but I AM SO NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, well, more like seven words but I AM SO NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya wanna know why! Because freaky killer dramatic school is the the day after tomorrow!!!! I've been on spring break this week and school is a day after tomorrow!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay. I'm. Okay. I'm. Okay. So.
My mom saw me TOTALLY FREAKING OUT! and she said," Honey, do you want to go outside?" Usually being outside and getting fresh air helps me relax. Not really this time.
We stepped out side and I told her all about how much I felt I had to do before school, and how much I miss daddy (they are not divorced, my dad works with the railroad, so he has to import goods to other towns and cities, and he gets called to go to work all the time. Like, at 12:00 at night, 3:00 in the morning, any time you name it. Lately they have been working him very hard, so I haven't seen him in a day or two. He FINALLY got home this afternoon, yet he has to go back to work tonight at around 10:00 or 11:00), and then I cried. =-- (
My mom said that she wanted me to stop thinking about all the if's, and wanted to know EXACTLY what I thought I needed to get done. I told her and realized there wasn't that much. We went inside and I wrote down a list about all I had to do tomorrow. There is only six things. Here they are:
- E-mail Mrs.Science teacher about a math test that I missed ( I was absent to day's and missed a math test, and I haven't done it yet.)
- Mickey's cage (my guinea pig)
- agenda (I have to organize it)
- review backpack (got a new backpack, don't know where everything is!)
- pick out an outfit with green in it (St.Patricks day!)
- add notebook paper to backpack)
That's all I have to do for school tomorrow! Talk about the luck of the Irish (I'm not Irish, but St.Patricks day is here.)
Speaking of the Irish, I'm trying to work on my Irish accent. This is what I have so far:
Let's do an Irish jig. Me mouth is dry. Top of the mornane, um uh I mean mornen', to uh um errr oh ya to ya, uh whats that word? oh, ya, lad. There is a pot-o-uhhh goldfish, at the end of that, ummmmm... dumpster. Uno momento por favor. Oh looky it's a umm leper something.
See? Am I not so awesome?!
Questions of the day: What is Bojo's favorite meat?
Comment below to answer! The answer will be given out in tomorrows post!
Friday, March 16, 2012
What a happy day!
OMG I am so euphoric!!!!
Definition of euphoric: intensely happy or confident: She was euphoric when she received the Oscar.
Okay, so let me tell you about why I am so euphoric (no, I did not receive an Oscar! I'm too awesome for it!)
I FINISHED MY HONORS PACKET!!!!!!!!! Okay, well, not completely. I have to write my answers to their questions on the packet, because if I don't then they'll think my mom did it. It say's on the paper,"Please complete the entire packet in your own handwriting." It kinda made me mad cuz' now I have to do all of this writing, but at least it's not an entire story!
Today my mom and I went to a fun store called Sprouts. It's basically a grocery store, but it also has a bunch of fun knick-knacks! Who would have thunk it would be so awsome!
After shopping till we dropped, we went to a crafty art store called JoAnn's! My mom needed beads, so we went to the bead section. WE HAD TO FIND SOMEONE TO DRAG US OUTTA THERE!! It was so funny! :D
After shopping till we dropped, we went to a crafty art store called JoAnn's! My mom needed beads, so we went to the bead section. WE HAD TO FIND SOMEONE TO DRAG US OUTTA THERE!! It was so funny! :D
Okay, so moving on... I have to tell you something super personal, and you must promise me that you will not tell anyone about it! Pinky swear? okay good, I think I can trust you... Okay so here it is *takes big worried huff* *dramatic silence* I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE crush on a celebrity. Ill give you a few hints about who he is:
1. He was in the Disney channel tv show My Babysitter's A Vampire
2. He was also in the Disney movie Radio Rebel
3. He has brown hair
4. He is super cute!
That is all I am going to tell you for now, because i'm not completely sure I can trust you... maybe i'll tell you in a later post. If you want to guess who he is you can guess in a comment! I may put up a poll for you to vote about who he is... We shall see! *evil laugh* HE HE HE HE HE HE HE *cough* *cough* *cough* Can I get some water? *cough* *cough*
Okay everyone have a good day *cough*
1. He was in the Disney channel tv show My Babysitter's A Vampire
2. He was also in the Disney movie Radio Rebel
3. He has brown hair
4. He is super cute!
That is all I am going to tell you for now, because i'm not completely sure I can trust you... maybe i'll tell you in a later post. If you want to guess who he is you can guess in a comment! I may put up a poll for you to vote about who he is... We shall see! *evil laugh* HE HE HE HE HE HE HE *cough* *cough* *cough* Can I get some water? *cough* *cough*
Okay everyone have a good day *cough*
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Same Day as First Post
2:24 p.m. Same Day As First Post
Hello everyone, I just thought I would tell you whats been happening today.
Since I am in 5th grade I will be going to middle school next year... which means that I need to think about if I want to be in the middle school honors program (I do)... which means that I need to complete a packet... which means I NEED TO COMPLETE SIX QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS!!!
Not that I hate having to do that but it means... Drum roll please... SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!! Bow chica wow wow!! Yay!!! I already have three answers completed!
Now all I need to do is figure out a way to easily avoid one teacher who is by the way, SO MEAN!! I have never, ever, ever, ever seen such a grumpy and mean person! Her name is Mrs.Grumpay (fake name). She probably got hit with the grumpy stick, and when it happened, I bet it made her so grumpy she snapped it in half! Just sayin'.
This is basically her, except imagine this grumpy lady teaching! Oh, the humanities!
My First Post!!!
Hello readers!! If you are reading this blog post right now, then that means you are reading my first entry!!! Congrats! Since this is my first post, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself. First of all, Bojo isn't my real name. Bojo is actually a restaurant in my old hometown that I ADORE!!! Also, I am in 5th grade, which by the way, is kinda challenging, possibly boring, and a whole lotta fun! But we will talk about that later. My favorite colors are purple, blue,and green. My favorite tv show is either modern family, Harry's Law, or the Ellen DeGeneres show. That's probably all you need to know about me for now. Now on to what you will read on this blog... each post in this blog will be filled with what had happened to me on that day, past memories that remind me of that day, and some more stuff that will tell you about me. So, kick off your shoes, leave on your socks, cuz' they will be knocked off while you read, and enjoy my blog!
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